At times, PR professionals forget that ‘public relations’ cannot exist without the ‘public’ part. Which is just odd, because it’s right there in the name. But companies still treat PR like a one-way street and say whatever they feel like, thinking the receiver will just swallow the message. But times have changed, and brands that don't speak to humans like humans are bound to be punished with oblivion. Here's why choosing the right tone of voice is so important.
This article is an excerpt from ’s book Purpose: First Principles of Effective PR. Download the entire book, for free, here.

The world isn't more violent, it's just more televised.Marylin Manson
The world has changed. Many early-adopting companies are engaging in conversation with their audiences – existing customers, non-customers, and even competitors – more than ever before. And these conversations obviously don’t happen in a backroom, or over a secure phone line. Most of them are happening publicly on social media. Everyone can eavesdrop, and just the slightest mistake can spark online uproar among angry customers or journalists.
This is why you must always communicate like a normal human being. Leveling with your audience will not only gain you some good ol’ respect, but it will also make your message crisp, clear, and comprehensible to everyone who sees it.
That’s also why you should stay away from jargon as much as possible. Only use it when it resonates with a certain audience, like investors or suppliers. But to the great wide world out there? Speak as you would speak to another person. Not too formally, but not too informally either. Key to mastering that tone of voice: common sense.
Perhaps no one understands the power of words like comms professionals. But, from time to time, we tend to get caught up in our own lingo. If PR jargon has ever sounded like a riddle to you, here are 100+ definitions every PR pro should know.
Tone of voice gone wrong: the battle of the burgers
Just like any other company run by digital natives, we love Twitter battles. Especially when it comes to a PR battle between the two champions of meat patties, Burger King and McDonald’s. This time, before the battle even started, the captain of Burger King offered peace by proposing to work together on a one-time classic: the McWhopper.

The media were all over it. We watched Captain Steve burn his own ships and customer bridges by not talking honestly and, mainly, by not talking like a normal person would. Where’s the common sense in that?
Tips & tricks
Need a little help achieving common sense? MailChimp’s website Voice & Tone has a lot of practical advice on setting the right tone in emails. It even explains what will work and why. Be sure to check this one out. Here are other 30+ online tools that will help you nail your brand's tone of voice.
Sjors Mahler is the Commercial Director at He’s worked with PR and communications teams for 9 years and has organized dozens of meetups and events for the Amsterdam PR community. Sjors has an MSc in Persuasive Communications and specializes in branding, sales strategy, and inbound PR.. Connect on LinkedIn or send an email